Cancer With Leo Zodiac sign (astrological sign) compatibility section.  Find out what sign you match with best, and what to look for (or look out for) in a mate.

Cancer With Leo Love Horoscopes and Compatibility section.

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Cancer gets along with Leo very poorly, not a good zodiac match.

Cancer With Leo:

Cancer is initially attracted to Leo's fun loving manner, but shortly Cancer will find out just how different their value systems are from one another. The fiery nature of Leo will cause Cancer to feel that real love cannot last with such intensity and begins to doubt Leo's heartfelt words of love. Being Moody and easily hurt by almost everything that is said will cause Cancer to sulk for days and this will not go over very big with Leo, who has no time for someone who cannot keep up with him/her.

cancer and leo - astrological compatibility rank = 3 (10 is best)

Cancer will feel a bit more enthused around Leo and will probably let Leo run things or at least let them think they are in charge and hey! What's the difference? Leo will appreciate cancer's attention and as long as cancer can forget that they feel neglected at times when Leo is out running the world, there is a chance this could work.

CANCER goes with Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. (best match is Taurus)

Best Match For Cancer Is Taurus
This is an excellent match and you will find it hard to tear yourselves away from one another! Stay clear of getting too wrapped up in one another though...

Worst Match For Cancer is Gemini
You are too active for this one. The Cancer will want to stay home and cling, so to speak, while you want to go out roam, do things. Forget it! Your energy level is too much higher then the Cancer, and this will in most cases be too much to overcome.

How Cancer gets along with all the signs:

Click the sign below for your Cancer Love Horoscope

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