Gemini With Cancer Zodiac sign (astrological sign) compatibility section.  Find out what sign you match with best, and what to look for (or look out for) in a mate.

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Gemini gets along with Cancer very poorly, this is the worst zodiac match for them both.

Gemini With Cancer:

The homebody, introverted cancer may find club loving, outgoing Gemini way too hard to get for a good mate. While Gemini is constantly on the alert for changes and something new, Cancer is satisfied to become a truly domesticated mate, and ruts don't scare them. On the other hand, the cancerean moodiness may become too much for Gemini to cope with.

gemini and cancer - astrological compatibility rank = 1 (10 is best)

There would be better compatibility where the female is a Gemini and the male is a Cancer, especially if there are several children to keep the Gemini mother's time occupied. Cancers are driven by emotion and feelings and generally prefer the constant. Gemini's unstoppable movement will prove unsettling to Cancer.

GEMINI goes with Libra, Aquarius, Leo and Gemini. (best match is Gemini)

Best Match For Gemini Is Gemini
This is a great combination. It may sound somewhat confusing considering that there will be four of you around (lol), but you can really understand each other. The synastry is there, it is a perfect match.

Worst Match For Gemini is Cancer
You are too active for this one. The Cancer will want to stay home and cling, so to speak, while you want to go out roam, do things. Forget it! Your energy level is too much higher then the Cancer, and this will in most cases be too much to overcome.

How Gemini gets along with all the signs:

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