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Aquarius gets along with aquarius pretty well for the most part!

Aquarius With Aquarius:

Aquarius gets along another Aquarius pretty fair. They have understanding in each other that is very in-depth, and they communicate exceptionally well. Put two people together who thrive on the unpredictable, the new and the unique and you have two people who understand each other, this is an example of an Aquarian couple.

aquarius and aquarius - compatibility rank = 6 (10 is best)

Aquarius can be startled and thrown off by surprising and unexpected developments. It is possible that both will tend to over react to negative things, so be watchful of this. Even though it may not be the best match, it is still a pretty darn good one, and the possibilities should not be over looked.

AQUARIUS goes with Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries. (Best match is Libra)

Best Match For Aquarius Is Libra
Very nice match up for Aquarius. This is one of the most compatible signs for you. They may or may not stay around forever due to their nature, but most likely they will due to the power of the union. Don't hold too tightly though and you can be sure keep it going for years, forever even.

Worst Match For Aquarius is Virgo
Try to avoid this match up if you can. True love conquers all, this is true, but even true love will be tested to the extreme here! You will think the Aquarian is nuts, and he or she will think you are ancient. Communication will be difficult, and there will most likely be a power struggle.

How Aquarius gets along with all the signs:

Click the sign below for your Aquarius Love Horoscope

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